Hey everyone,
It's been a while since the last update, but I wanted to wait until I had major amounts of news, and boy do I ever!
First .. old business:
Still left in inventory:
1 Forbush Man Mini Bust
2 Dr. Fates Mini Busts
1 Isis Mini Bust
As most of you might have seen posted in the various forums, the Sasquatch Mini Bust is well under way, I've attached pictures in case anyone missed it, please note that I had asked the scupltor for a few slight changes to the face, so these aren't finished pictures yet, we just wanted to give everyone a taste of whats to come. Also, the original design has been altered somewhat, the left arm will now be an open claw (very dramatic). Before anyone asks, I have no information available on this one yet. Due to the size of this piece, I'm actively seeking someone to rotocast it for me .. that means that the figure itself will be hollow rather than solid. This will hopefully lower the cost of the piece as there will be less resin used and it will weigh less when it's shipped. But all this is still up in the air right now, as soon as I have more definitive information, I will send it out to everyone.
ALSO VERY IMPORTANT ... as many of you might know, before starting this project, I asked for commitments from people to make sure that it was viable ... as the original concept changed, I'm not going to hold anyone to any commitment made to the piece, it wouldn't be fair. SO, when the piece and price are ready, it will be up to each person to deside if they want in or not. But I think the piece more than speaks for itself already.
I hope to have finished pictures of the Johnny Storm before the end of the weekend which I will post and forward to everyone. For those that don't know, the plan is have Johnny's hand aflame forming the FF 4 flare signal which will be cast in clear amber, orange or red resin. We're trying to strike a happy medium with Johnny's build, so that this piece can be converted into the classic red costume, for those that want that one. The base on the Johnnt Storm will be slightly different from the Negative Zone bases we're using for the rest of the FF, but it will still be close enough that it won't stand out from the set.
For anyone that missed out on the Thing and Mr. Fantastic, I can now make a limited amount of castings, if you need the first 2 pieces in the set, NOW IS THE TIME TO LET ME KNOW!!!
Helder has been kind enough to make a few adjustments to the Steel sculpt, so that it falls more in line with the rest of the DC pieces that RP's has produced. I hope to have new pictures to share soon.
As most of you might have already heard from me, my caster has been out of commission recently due to his rcouperating from a recent surgery. I'm happy to report that he's going back to the shop effective Tuesday, so we should see She-Hulk pretty soon. Anyone that hasn't paid up, or gotten your name on the list .. now is the time .. as I expect to be shipping in the nest several weeks.
She-Hulk Domestic - $87.00 Delivered
She-Hulk Intl. - $94.50 Delivered
My Paypal address is Jesse321@bellsouth.net ... please make sure to have an accurate shipping address with your payments. Also for our Intl. freinds, could you please make sure to email me the EXACT way that address label should read, I've had a couple of problems as I'm not familar with a lot of the address in foreign countries, and I want to make sure that everyone get thier pieces as quickly as possible.
That's it for now, I hope everyone has a terrific long weekend!