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 Resin Pimps Update 03/19/2007

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3 participants
Marvel Legends
Marvel Legends

Nombre de messages : 358
Age : 60
Localisation : Fort Lauderdale, FL .. USA
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2006

Resin Pimps Update 03/19/2007 Empty
MessageSujet: Resin Pimps Update 03/19/2007   Resin Pimps Update 03/19/2007 EmptyMar 20 Mar - 3:18

Hey guys,

Well it's time for another Resin Pimps update, as you can tell from the
title of the email it's not all good news .. so lets jump right into the bad

THE BAD NEWS: Dr. Fate has run into a snag, when the cape portion of the bust was being cast, several of the capes snapped around the shoulder as they were being pulled. The problem appears to be that the cape is too
think around the area of the shoulder, but it's something that can be easily
fixed, but the bad news is it's going to take about a week to do. The
design or appearence of the bust WILL NOT be changed in any way, so there's no need to worry. Trying to look on the bright side, I'm glad that this happened now, so that the problem can be corrected before the piece was shipped, I would rather fix this problem now, before it becomes an issue for you guys. I'm really sorry for the delay in getting Dr. Fate shipped, but as most of you know I won't sacrafice the quality of these pieces.

THE GOOD NEWS: So as not to waste valuable time, Talisman has been cast .. attached you will find pictures of the cleanout casting. A cleanout casting is the very first test cast made from a fresh mold to see if the mold has any problems (like cracks or air bubbles) that need correcting before real casting begins. As you can see from the picture, she absolutely gorgeous! We've added more hair, thinned out the face and also thinned out the hands even more than on the original sculpt.

Resin Pimps Update 03/19/2007 Talismancleanoutcasting1

Pricing on Talisman is 87 domestic and 94 intl (delivery included). If you
haven't contacted me to get on the list, please do so ASAP so I can tell the
caster how many of these to make up for me.

NEXT UP: Mr. Fantastic will be the next piece to be molded and cast once Talisman and Dr. Fate are done ... I'll send out another email once we get closer to getting him done.

ISIS: I hope to have completed pictures of ISIS some time this week .. with pictures of the legs coming soon.

SASQUATCH: The new sculptor has received the deposit for the IN SCALE
Sasqatuch piece, and sculpting on it has begun .. I hope to have progress
pics soon, if you're not on the list or want more info on this piece, just
drop me an email.

DELIVERY ISSUES: Guys, once again I really want to apologize for the
snaffoos with the delivery of the Wonder Woman pieces. The caster has
informed me that all the bases that were not shipped have been shipped out, several of the international collectors have already notified me that
they've started to receive the bases. If you haven't received your base by the end of the week, please contact me, so I can get this problem sorted out once and for all.

That's it for now.

Any questions or concerns .. just let me know.

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Marvel Legends
Marvel Legends

Nombre de messages : 347
Age : 56
Localisation : Vaisseau de Galactus, DC Universe
Date d'inscription : 04/08/2006

Resin Pimps Update 03/19/2007 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Resin Pimps Update 03/19/2007   Resin Pimps Update 03/19/2007 EmptyMar 20 Mar - 7:01

I am in hurry to see some Sasquatch WIP Resin Pimps Update 03/19/2007 Super
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Nombre de messages : 5857
Age : 48
Localisation : le Terrier du Coin
Date d'inscription : 30/07/2006

Resin Pimps Update 03/19/2007 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Resin Pimps Update 03/19/2007   Resin Pimps Update 03/19/2007 EmptyMar 20 Mar - 9:14

I've well receipted my WW base. Thanks !
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MessageSujet: Re: Resin Pimps Update 03/19/2007   Resin Pimps Update 03/19/2007 Empty

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Resin Pimps Update 03/19/2007
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